The founder of Lines and Colors is a person named Charley Parker, a cartoonist and webcomics artist. Professionally, Charley is a website developer. Charley wonderfully introduces his blog as a platform that accepts all forms of art or if we put it in his exact word, anything that has ‘lines and/or colors’. Lines and Colors is an exemplary effort that inspires artists to be versatile in their methods and art form. The blog is a rich collection of articles about all kinds of art forms like painting, drawing, sketching, illustration, comics, cartoons, etc. Charley does not call himself a critic. Contrary to that, he prefers calling himself an anti-critic. He heads a wonderful yet simple blog that fascinates us as well, making it one of our favorite art blogs.
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19C, 311 Road, 3rd Avenue,Gowon Estate, Egbeda, Lagos
1199 Hamilton Road, London, Ontario, Canada N5W5Z9
179 Garstang Road, Preston, PR2 8JQ
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